Results filtered by “Tom Krick”

Building a Team

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Building a Team
Last month, I shared my thoughts (and more importantly what God’s Word says) about the parents’ responsibility in training up their children. I also noted that the church and the Christian school are invaluable partners in this endeavor. I find it helpful to look at it as I would a team.

Anyone who has coached a team of any kind—sports, business, or otherwise—knows that unity is paramount! And unity does not come naturally. Have you ever witnessed a team with so much talent and no unity? They don’t get very far.

Unity, oneness of purpose, and love for one another are so unnatural, in fact, that God’s Word says that is how we are to be recognized as His children (Jn. 13:35)! How do we love each other? How do we have unity of mind and purpose (I Peter 3:8)? It starts with an investment.

Now, I’m not talking about a monetary investment (although you have made that commitment!). I’m talking about investing in the lives of those around you, specifically in your church and your school. There are never any shortages in work needing to be done in ministry, and there is rarely a surplus of help!

The strongest relationships I’ve built have been through teamwork—working with and relying on others to accomplish a goal. In this case, the goal is growing your children to be equipped, Godly leaders wherever God sends them. Won’t we work together as a team with love, unity, and oneness of purpose to accomplish what God has called us to do?
Thank you
Tom Krick, Principal

Posted by Tom Krick

Who is Responsible?

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“Who left their socks in the living room?” “Who didn’t shut the door?” “Who moved my keys?” Do any of these questions sound familiar? And then there is the classic answer: “It wasn’t me!” Humanity is too good at playing the blame game, and we’ve been playing it ever since the beginning. “The man said, ‘The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit of the tree, and I ate.’…The woman said, ‘The serpent deceived me, and I ate.’” Genesis 3:12,13b So, who is responsible for the current state of the world? Our country? Our state? Our families? Those are big questions, and thinking about them can be
overwhelming! But I’m not here to take part in the blame game. Rather, I’m here to encourage us to take responsibility, and that starts in our homes. Parenting is quite possibly the most difficult undertaking we will face in our lives. As difficult and as frustrating as it might be at times, God’s word is clear that the upbringing of a child is primarily the responsibility of the parents! Do we take that task seriously, and do we take responsibility for it? I praise God that I am not alone in my parenting journey. God has given me a partner, a wife, to work together with as we parent. I, and some of you, have family that is always ready to help. I have been a part of multiple churches where I could go to a pastor or church member with questions about parenting and know I'm getting wise, godly advice rooted in God’s Word. I know that when I send my children to Walnut Street Christian School,
they are sitting under the instruction of godly men and women who live and teach the truth of the gospel! Yes, we as parents are responsible for our children. And though the task may seem daunting, we need to take that responsibility seriously, understanding that that role falls primarily on us. And know that you don’t have to do it alone! Invest in the lives of your children. Get plugged into a local, Bible-believing church. And know that we at WSCS are here to support you!
Thank you,
Tom Krick, Principal

Posted by Tom Krick

Never Enough

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I feel like I never have enough _______________.” What does your mind go to as you fill in that blank? Money? Patience? Shoes? I think we can all relate to the feeling of never having enough time. Lack of time is a favorite excuse for children and adults alike. If we just had more time, we could get everything done that we needed (or wanted) to. The fact of the matter is each of us has 24 hours in a day to spend. And 24 hours is not enough time to get everything done. Now I’m going to share some “fun” statistics and go for the “shock” factor.
-The average time on a phone daily (not talking) is 4 hours 23 minutes for adults and 7 hours 22
minutes for teens.
-The average family spends 38 minutes of meaningful time together on a weekday.
Now more than ever our children need time with their parents, not an artificial and often harmful babysitter. “But there’s not enough time!” What could possibly take all 24 hours of our day that we don’t have time left for our families? Proverbs 22:6 does not happen accidentally. It’s time to stop making excuses and start making time for our children!
Thank you.
Tom Krick, Principal

Posted by Tom Krick
